Get to know our large satellite electronics
Beyond the world of nanosats, we participate in large satellite projects as the designer of power distribution systems and payload synchronization.
DCDC Converter
Completed as a multi-output low-noise SMPS for the SMILE satellite in cooperation with ESA, this PSU BreadBoard is currently at CDR Level (TRL 5).In the course of SMILE project C3S aims to demonstrate its ability to design, build, and test a custom power supply compliant to customer requirements and the approach defined by the ECSS standards. In the scope of this project, we are developing an EQM in accordance with ECSS standards and with ESA supervision, so that after the closure of the Incentive Scheme, we can reach TRL 6/7 by performing the appropriate tests. This will give us the ability to manufacture EQM (and higher) quality products for future projects.


RoR Protocol Stack
RoR is a general-purpose, lightweight serial communication protocol stack for housekeeping data acquisition and control of remote submodules. The lower 3 layers of the stack are together called Regu-lar Bytestream DAQ Protocol (RBDP) and the upper layer augment-ing it is called Remote Memory Access Protocol (RMAP). The 4 layers together compose the complete RMAP over RBDP (RoR) protocol stack.