Educational visit to C3S

Nov 22, 2022


When we have the opportunity to share our knowledge about the space industry as well as the experiences of building up a mission, launching and tracking a satellite, and to introduce our operable, ready-to-launch spacecraft to our young visitors we also stop for a moment and review our results.
To have faith in the future, it is important to measure the past. This future is shaped by clever, curious, open-minded and creative youngsters, and our task is to motivate them and to show them how limitless the possibilities are. Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Mafihe – Magyar Fizikushallgatók Egyesülete and high school students, thanks for visiting, we hope you liked what you’ve seen!

RadCube was successfully launched

RadCube was successfully launched

On the 17th of August 2021, at 03:47 CEST, C3S’s 3U-sized satellite platform was successfully launched into Low Earth Orbit. Since the launch by Arianespace Vega VV19 rocket we were able to establish a connection with Radcube, so a little time after the separation, we...

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RadCube will be launched on the 17th of August, 2021

RadCube will be launched on the 17th of August, 2021

On the 17th of August, 2021 C3S’s 3U platform will be launched. The spacecraft, that was born under the European Space Agency (ESA) General Support Technology Programme’s (GSTP) RadCube mission, is the first industrial satellite being built in Hungary, and so far, the...

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Our unique CubeSat structure is featured in NASA’s „State of the Art of Small Spacecraft Technology” study

Our unique CubeSat structure is featured in NASA’s „State of the Art of Small Spacecraft Technology” study

NASA’s editor team reached out to us again this year, to introduce the improvements of innovative CubeSat structures previously shortlisted in their original study. We were honored to present the upgraded version of our structure, that uses backplane PCB for bus communication which is intended to provide independent assembly order, simplifies the stack-up tolerances, and uses space graded interface connectors.

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Hungarian Space Caleidoscope 2020

Hungarian Space Caleidoscope 2020

Every year, the publication introducing the representatives of the Hungarian space sector gets more and more extensive. C3S welcomes newcomers in the industrial, as well as in the research area.

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Space Tech expo moved to the online space

Space Tech expo moved to the online space

Since the foundation of C3S we participated every year in the most prominent event of the European space industry, namely the Space Tech Expo. This year the event along with our booth moved to the online space.

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RADCUBE launch date announcement

RADCUBE launch date announcement

We are happy to announce that Gyula Horváth, C3S LLC CEO and Marco Mariani, SAB Launch Services Srl. CEO signed the agreement on the launch of C3S’s 3U CubeSat on a VEGA VV19 in spring of next year.

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HERMES PDR successfully closed

HERMES PDR successfully closed

HERMES (High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites) Scientific Pathfinder (HERMES-SP) is a mission concept based on a constellation of nano-satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), hosting new miniaturized detectors to probe the X-ray temporal emission of bright high-energy transients such as Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRB) and the electromagnetic counterparts of Gravitational Wave Events (GWE).

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