The Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade organized this event for the first time with the participation of local space researchers and players of the space industry with the aim of presenting ESA programs with Hungarian contribution. After a half-day introduction of ESA, we had the opportunity to participate on B2B meetings. During the event C3S could meet with the head of various programs to discuss potential future collaborations. Moreover, as large-scale integrators were also present, we had the chance to meet in person with the representatives of Airbus, OHB or Thales. We found ESA Hungarian Space Industry Days certainly productive for our company and we greatly appreciate all the effort put in to organize such an event during the pandemic. We do hope that next year we will meet again, as thanks to this conference, we could not only meet with local players, but we came to know several newcomers to the market.

Magyar vezetéssel készül el Észtország első kereskedelmi műholdja. Az ESA együttműködésében indul el az OPS-SAT ORIOLE küldetés
Magyar vezetéssel készül el Észtország első kereskedelmi műholdja. Az ESA együttműködésében indul el az OPS-SAT ORIOLE küldetés A projektben a magyar C3S Kft, az észt Spaceit OÜ, és a szintén észt Golbriak Space OÜ cégek vesznek részt. Az űrmisszió célja egy új...